A weekend away for young people aged 8-18 and their leaders, open to all in the
Birmingham and Wolverhampton & Shrewsbury Districts.
Brand New Venue for 2025: Whitemoor Lakes, Staffordshire
Until Amplify!
Tickets on sale
15th October - 31st December
Young People
Group Leaders

Young People
If you are aged 8-18 then Amplify is for you!
Over the weekend, you will have chance to have a go at outdoor activities, try out different styles of worship and ways to encounter God, and have a whole lot of fun! You will do all this with other young people your age from across the West Midlands.
Tickets will be on sale soon, so talk to your youth leader or minister about getting your place booked!
Amplify 2025 is at a brand new venue!
Take a look at what Whitemoor Lakes has to offer here.
Got a suggestion? Let us know!
Over the weekend you will get to take part in adventure activities of your choice. You will be sent a link nearer the time to let us know which activities you want to do.
Own it!
Wouldn’t it be great if Amplify was planned and delivered by young people for young people?! We think so too! If you’d be up for being on our planning team, ask an adult to email us and let us know!

Group Leaders
If you work with children and young people then Amplify is a great opportunity to connect with them in a new environment, as well as having the ability to meet and work with other leaders from around the West Midlands.
You’ll be part of the event, helping young people to engage in the programme and checking in with them throughout the weekend.
Leader’s briefing 1
We discussed how to get your group booked on, your role at the weekend and answered any questions.
If you missed this one, don’t panic!
Leader’s briefing 2
We’ll through the timetable for the weekend, ask any last minute questions and make sure we’re all happy.
Monday 10th February online at 7.30pm
Leaders’ Roles
You will be asked to participate at the event as either a Pod Leader or a Crew Leader.
Pod Leaders will be assigned to a small group of young people who they will check in with throughout the weekend.
Crew Leaders will be helping to lead activities within the Amplify programme.

We are looking for adults who are excited about Amplify and want to find out more to come and help us make the event happen!
We hope that Stewarding will be a rewarding experience, filling you with hope for the future of our church, and allowing you to engage with our young people in their space.
The role of steward will be flexible, meaning that you can volunteer for just a couple of hours or for the whole weekend - whatever suits you.
Below is a role description that explains in a little more detail what the role will entail. Please have a read of this before applying.
How to apply
Please use this form to apply. This will let us know a bit about you and your avaiability for the Amplify Weekend. Applications close on 31st December.
Stewards’ Briefing
Come together as a team of Stewards to find out more about Amplify and your role at the weekend.
Monday 3rd February online at 7.30pm

Amplify will be at Whitemoor Lakes, an outdoor education centre in Staffordshire.
The cost of your ticket pays for everything over the course of the weekend.
You will have accommodation in en-suite dormitory bedrooms, allocated to be shared with others of the same age and gender. All food will be provided beginning with an evening meal on Friday and ending with lunch on Sunday.
You will also be able to access adventure activities throughout the weekend as well as a jam-packed programme organised by us.
Amplify tickets are on sale through Ticket Tailor.
We are really grateful to the District for heavily subsidising the cost of the tickets for Amplify this year.
Your local church and circuit will most likely have funds available for children and youth or something similar so they are always worth getting in touch with.
Fundraising by young people towards the cost of their ticket is always encouraged. It’s fun and it allows them to take ownership of their participation in the weekend. Ideas include events like quizzes at church, film nights where sweets are sold, or a car wash. What could you do?
Yes, yes and yes!
Amplify is open to anyone aged 8-18 so if you fit into this category, you would be most welcome!
We ask that every young person has a named responsible adult with them, but if you don’t have a group leader, we can team you up with another group from your local area.
Staying overnight at Amplify is all part of the fun, but we understand that this doesn’t work for everyone.
We can arrange for people to come for the day if needed, please contact youth@birminghammethodist.org.uk and we can talk through the options.
Everyone will need to fill out a form to keep us all safe. These will be slightly different for leaders and young people.
Nearer the time, these will be sent to everyone registered, along with instructions on how they should be uploaded.
If you are aged 18 and still in school then you can attend as a young person. You will have a slightly different consent form that you will fill in yourself.
If you are 18 beyond school, you can attend as a steward or as a leader.
You should think as a group about how many leaders you need for your young people. It is recommended that you make sure you meet the minimum leader to young person ratio for your group, and also consider the gender in your selection of leaders. Please also take into account any needs of your young people, ensuring that if a member of your group needs 1:1 support this is considered.
If a group is bringing a high ratio of leaders to young people, they may be asked to reduce their number of leaders so that places can be made available for young people.
Reccommended staffing levels:
4 – 8 years 1 adult to 6 children
9 – 12 years 1 adult to 8 children
13 – 18 years 1 adult to 10 children

Booking Tickets
Ticket Cost
Leaders - £20
Young People - £40
Ticket sales are made online through Ticket Tailor and can be purchased with a credit or debit card.
Dates and Deadlines
14.10.24 - Briefing
15.10.24 - Ticket Sales Open
31.12.24 - Ticket Sales Close
31.12.24 - Steward Applications Close
03.02.25 - Steward’s Briefing
10.02.25 - Second Leaders’ Briefing
23.02.25 - Consent Forms Due
14.03.25 - Amplify!
09.04.25 - Debrief Meeting
Information Gathering
We need information about each attendee when booking their tickets. You can send this document to your group to collect the required information to speed up your booking!