Safeguarding - Birmingham Methodist District
If you have come to this page it is because you have questions or queries about how we operate our safeguarding, and we’d be happy to help. We hope the documents listed below will help you find the answers that you need but, if not, please get in touch.
Our District Safeguarding Officer is
Sue Holder. She can be contacted on 07508 232 773. This is a dedicated safeguarding phone.
Our Documentation
We are very happy to speak to you to answer questions and queries about safeguarding in our organization, but first make sure that you have checked in the following places for the answers you require as all of how we operate is laid down in writing in these places:
Check out our District Safeguarding Policy. This has detailed information about how we manage safeguarding as an organization.
You can find lots of information on the Methodist Church Website about how we manage safeguarding as well as the Safeguarding Policy and Procedures document of the Methodist Church. Our policy is created in line with this Methodist Church policy.
Other Resources available
Methodist Practice Guidance to DBS 2015
Birmingham Safeguarding Children Partnership
Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board
Methodist Church Safer Recruitment Policy
Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018 version) - government publication
Useful contacts
Modern Slavery Helpline: 08000 0121 700
Child Line: 0800 1111
NSPCC: 0808 800 5000
Adult Services: 0121 308 1234
Useful Contact Numbers for Social Services Across the District
A video that is helpful to volunteers anywhere at this time of coronavirus Covid-19. How to recognise when to act. With thanks to Waltham Forest Council.