District Grants
Do you have a vision for a new missional project but just need some finance to get started? We are here to help!
Below are the best ways to access grant funding from the District.
Training Grants
Grants are for training and development for mission and ministry and are available to individuals, churches and circuits that meet the criteria.
District Advance Fund
Grants for mission and ministry (people based) projects or property schemes, where the Church’s presence is significant for the continuation and development of mission.
New Places for New People
The District and the Connexional Church are prioritising establishing new worshipping communities. If you want to find out more contact the District Mission Advisor.
Closing date for applications - 22nd October for Resourcing Mission Committee on 11th November, 27th February for Resourcing Mission Committee on 20th March and 2nd June for Resourcing Mission Committee on 19th June