We're a diverse church gathered together by a common dream:
to become a truly inclusive faith community, where doubt and difference are a welcome part of our journey together toward Jesus.
We’re a diverse, justice-seeking, LGBTQIA+ affirming church for ALL based in Brum’s Gay Village (City Centre). We’re a community learning to practice God’s radically inclusive love & inclusion the best we can.
We meet at The Loft on Sunday afternoons at 3pm. Our large worship gathering happens on the 1st Sunday of each month and will also be livestreamed to Facebook Live. Our other weekly gatherings are lower-key centred around spiritual connection & conversation. Details here.
Common Practical Questions
We’re based in Birmingham’s Gay Village because we want to contribute to the flourishing of the LGBTQIA+ community in the city AND because we believe the LGBTQIA+ community is an important part of OUR flourishing as a community of faith. Lots of folks travel from around the Midlands to come to IGB, so the Gay Village’s easy access to New Street Station, bus and tram routes make it the perfect place for us to meet and to serve and to learn.
Despite MEETING in the Gay Village, we are not an LGBTQIA+ ONLY church. We believe that the experiences, spirituality and theology of LGBTQ+ people are a gift to the church and can point all of us to a more expansive understanding of God’s love. This recognition has been a key turning point in many of the spiritual stories of those involved in our church community (for both those who identify as LGBTQ+ and those who don’t). Our locality is reflects this.
Many of us identify as Christians (of different traditions – Methodist, Anglican, Pentecostal, Quaker, Catholic, Evangelical, post-Evangelical, and loads more). Others of us describe ourselves as agnostic, spiritual (but not religious) or aren’t really sure. We believe this kind of diversity in perspective and tradition is an enormous blessing.
It’s fundamentally important to us that our church is a place where questions, doubt and disagreement are welcome (expressed in a loving and respectful way to one another). Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, we want you to feel free to express yourself and talk things through openly in a safe space without fear of judgement. Processing through what we really believe can be tough but it’s made easier in community.