Responding to the climate and ecological crises by caring for creation through practical action.
Eco District
You cannot pick up a newspaper, turn on the radio, or switch on the TV these days, without realising that not all is well with Planet Earth. Recognising the increasing impact of human activities on our environment, churches of all denominations are being encouraged by church leaders – the Pope, the Archbishops and the President of the Methodist Conference, to take action to address climate change and the loss of wildlife and wild places.
Some time back Bimingham Synod confirmed its strong support for promoting, and adopting EcoChurch at District level. This involves taking practical and positive action to address these crises but to be really effective we need all Birmingham circuits and their individual churches, to become involved.
Eco Church is an initiative run by A Rocha (‘Christians in Conservation’) in partnership with the Methodist Church, the Church of England, Tearfund and Christian Aid. A Rocha’s vision for EcoChurch is to create a vast network of Christians committed to caring for God's earth, as part of their everyday work and witness. Since the launch in 2016, more than 4500 churches have now signed up and over 1500 have received eco-awards.
Resources and guidance are readily available to help churches show they care for the environment in their worship and teaching, their management of buildings and land, community and global engagement and individual lifestyles. Once your church has amassed sufficient points, you will qualify for an Eco Church Award at Bronze, Silver or Gold level. Bronze and Silver Awards will be granted on receipt of written confirmation from your church leader that the survey responses are a true reflection of the current work and witness of your church. Award-winning churches will receive a certificate to mark their achievement and will have the option of purchasing (at cost) an Award plaque fashioned from recycled church pews to display on their premises.
Gold Awards will only be granted following a visit to the church by Eco Church Assessors who need to be satisfied that your survey responses are an accurate reflection of your work and witness.
Birmingham has already formally registered its intent to become an EcoDistrict and already 20 of its 130 churches have achieved awards. Out front is Stratford Methodist Church with Gold followed by 10 churches with Silver, and 9 churches with Bronze. This means we are close to achieving EcoDistrict status once a few further actions are taken by the Birmingham District Office. The best Circuit performance is almost certainly in South Warwickshire where 7 of its 12 churches have received awards.
The ‘Methodist Way of Life’ encourages us to ‘care for creation and challenge injustice’. As has rising waters already threaten many small islands and coastal cities worldwide. We’d love your church to become involved and take part in this exciting initiative, which will challenge and equip you to care for God’s world in all areas of your life together.
For more information on what to do next, call Mark Boulton, Bimingham EcoDistrict Coordinator on 01386 43857 or email him at ecodistrict21@gmail.com.
Eco Church Awards
Stratford Upon Avon Methodist Church
Gold award.
Quinton Methodist Church
Silver Award.
Ledbury Methodist Church
Silver Award.