Birmingham Methodist District - Our Partners
Kadoma Methodist District
in Zimbabwe
Kadoma Methodist District in Zimbabwe and Birmingham Methodist District in the UK are twinned together in a partnership that will benefit both sides.
Birmingham International
Student Homes
‘BISH’ are affiliated to the Methodist Church and manage two properties close to the University of Birmingham: Asbury Overseas House and Wesley International House.
Birmingham Churches Together
BCT celebrates the diversity of the Christian presence in Birmingham & Solihull. Open to the leading of Holy Spirit, BCT aims to increase unity and cooperation between churches. The Methodist District is a full member.
Jazz Community Church
Supported by the Birmingham District Jazz Community Church is now a registered charity in its own right helping people to improvise life by following Jesus.
Formally a Methodist District Project, Adavu supports adult survivors of modern slavery in the West Midlands. Adavu offers tailored long term support to adult survivors.