What is a Methodist?
The National Methodist Church website has lots of information which helps to explain what is distinctive about being a Christian in the Methodist tradition:
Easter Sunday 2020 was very different. See the Methodist Easter Sing-a-long.
Jasmine Yeboah from Birmingham District reflects on her year as National Youth President (3:10)
What is it like being a minister at the Queen’s Foundation in Birmingham? (4:07)
Assistant Pastor of Swan Bank Methodist Church, Amy Wyatt, explains what it is like at her Church on Sundays. (4:48)
What is “Our Calling” in the Methodist Church? Watch this video to find out more. (13:15)
Rev’d Trey Hall and others talk about mission and evangelism in the Methodist Church in Britain (7:46)
Ruda, Isaac and Charlotte are Young Adults in the Birmingham District. (19:20)
A Methodist Way of Life is a simple rule of life helping Methodists to live out their faith in daily life and develop their discipleship. (9:26)