Birmingham Methodist District Synod
The District Synod has oversight of all district affairs, formulating and promoting policies, through its various officers and committees to assist the mission of the Church, to give inspiration to the leaders in the circuits and to ensure the interrelation of all aspects of the Church’s life throughout the district.
Papers for District Representative Synod: 14.9.2024
Conference 2024 Business Digest
Online Communion and Singleness
The District Synod sets the policy for the district, serving as a link between the Conference and the Connexional Team on the one hand and the circuits and local churches on the other. The synod may bring matters to the annual Methodist Conference.
The synod meets in representative session at least once each year. There is also a presbyteral session of the synod for presbyters, which is an opportunity for training as well as for debating issues.
District Meetings
Events > District Meetings