#pray24brum is going ahead this Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd January. It will, of necessity, be entirely online, on the Birmingham Churches Together Facebook Page and Twitter Feed
We are delighted that so many groups have signed up to lead us in a time of prayer, and are hoping that the new format will help us reach new audiences too. Thank you if you are part of making this happen this year! And thank you, too, if you have been in the past or will be in the future.
Please do pray with us and share this invitation within your networks to encourage others to join us in praying in and for the city! The schedule of led prayers is available here:
https://www.birminghamchurches.org.uk/pray24brum-2021-a-patchwork-quilt-of-prayer/ and there is also an invitation to commit to 24 minutes of personal prayer in whatever style suits you, joining a community by sharing via the hashtag #pray24brum.