Re:Planting Church at the Margins

A day of workshops with the President and Vice President of Conference exploring how to grow church in marginal places and spaces.

What does it mean for us to be Church at the Margins in an age of rising bills, increasing mental ill-health and increasing poverty? Join us at Kenilworth Methodist on Saturday 11th March as we explore together.

What is on offer…

  • Keynote Speaker - Deacon Eunice Attwood

    Eunice brings over twenty years’ experience of ordained diaconal ministry from a variety of contexts, including theological education and city- and town-centred ministry amongst marginalised and vulnerable communities, where she helped start and grow many fresh expressions of church. Building on the biblical connection between evangelism and social justice, Eunice is helping to start a movement of new Christian communities led by people experiencing economic marginalisation. 

  • Worship led by an Intergenerational Team

    We want the whole day to be intergenerational with worship as the primary focus. A team from across the District will be helping to facilitate the worship drawing on contributions from the young people attending the worship jam night in Earlsdon the night before.

  • Different ways to Reflect and Respond

    We are working on making the day suitable for all personality types and all learning styles so there will be different spaces and ways to respond.

Faith-Rooted Community Organising – practices to enable a move from vision to action.

Led by Deacon Kerry Scarlett (Regional Learning & Development Officer), and Eddy Aigbe (Congregational & Community Organiser, West Mids Methodist Region)


“The Gate” Experience - Creating Church and community amongst families with additional needs

Led by Jo Yair (Wolverhampton & Shrewsbury District Ministry & Mission Co-ordinator) and Geoff Bond (Regional Learning Network Co-ordinator)

Setting up a Church at the Margins

Led by Deacon Eunice Attwood (Church on the Margins Officer) and Rev’d Neil Johnson (Pioneer, Street Banquet)

“Revival on the margins” VP Anthony Boateng in conversation with Adam Sanders

Led by Anthony Boateng (Vice President of the Methodist Conference) and Adam Sanders (Birmingham District Mission Advisor)

Working with Victims of Crime - exploring the resources for faith communities from the West Midlands Crime Reduction Unit

Led by Rev’d David Butterworth (Mission in the Economy Officer and Chaplain at NEC). David is Chair of the West Midlands Police Violence Reduction Partnership - Faith & Pastoral Response - Working Party.

Food Pantry - The South Yardley Experience

Led by Rev’d Karen Webber (Minister, South Yardley Methodist Church)

The rural experience of being on the margins

Led by Sarah Hulme (Rural Mission and Ministry Officer) in conversation with Rev’d Graham Thompson (President of the Methodist Conference)

Church Action on Poverty - Church on the Margins

Drawing on research carried out alongside Manchester Methodist District. Led by Liam Purcell – Communications & Supporters Relations Manager for Church Action on Poverty

What is the Spirit saying to the church? - A Bible study on Revelation 2:1-7

Led by Rev’d Graham Thompson (President of the Methodist Conference) and Rev’d Novette Headley

There will be other options available for those who need to process things in other ways.

A conversation about neurodiverse spirituality

The Venue

Kenilworth Methodist Church has parking available and is a very short walk from Kenilworth Railway Station.

Address: Priory Road, Kenilworth CV8 1LQ