Interfaith Chaplaincy
An oasis for friendship and support at the NEC
“The NEC Group values its visitors, customers and staff immensely, and to reflect this we invest in many aspects of the business including the Chaplaincy, while the Methodist Church reciprocates with investment of commitment and faith. This ethos is now a very well established part of the NEC client experience and staff well-being, welcoming people of all faiths, or those expressing no faith at all.
“We’re proud of our relationship with the Chaplaincy, and in particular, the fact that our model of working alongside the Methodist Church in Britain has encouraged others in the live events industry to follow suit.”
Paul Thandi. CEO NEC Group
If you would like a conversation call:
Revd David Butterworth MA
Lead Chaplain – Interfaith Chaplaincy
NEC Group
T: +44 (0)121 767 2911 T:+44 (0)121 767 2608
The NEC Group offers an Interfaith Chaplaincy facility to all staff, business partners and visitors. This has been a pattern since the early green-field site almost 40 years ago from before HM The Queen cut the ‘opening ribbons’.
As the NEC Group weaved its business and staff well-being pattern and heightened visitor experience, our Interfaith Chaplaincy team has maintained a diversifying presence within the business. Interfaith Chaplaincy at the NEC Group is a confidential people-focused service for all staff, business partners and visitors.
Interfaith Chaplaincy is a flexible and intrinsic part of the NEC Group with permanent Prayer Rooms in the Piazza at the NEC and at The ICC along with a presence of Chaplains in the business. The term ‘Chaplain’ is often confused with an origin of the word ‘Chapel’ (a place of prayer and reflection).
The term Chaplain has its roots with ‘Martin of Tours’ who was Bishop of Tours around 300AD and whose shrine in France became and remains, a famous stopping-point for pilgrims on the road to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. Martin of Tours offered half his cloak to someone in need and in those days a cloak was called Cappellanu which became known as ‘Chaplain’.
Our Lead Interfaith Chaplain is an Ordained Minister and is supported by a team of professional and kind hearted Chaplaincy Volunteers. Some of the Chaplaincy Volunteers are also Ordained and or recognized Leaders in their Faith tradition.
The Wire is the NEC Group’s in-house magazine. Read about the chaplain’s role in The Wire
Read the chaplain’s article on wellbeing in the workplace in the NEC Group
Quotations from staff and visitors:
“ Simply thank you for this beautiful space, now we can do business, and pray.”
“The Chaplaincy team listened to me like I have never been listened to before - ever.”
“The Chaplaincy team really helped me when my friend committed suicide. I still don’t understand why it happened but Chaplaincy helped me find help and start to accept.”
“We wanted to get married but we were uncertain of the process. The Chaplain explained everything so easily and it all fell into place beautifully.”
“My mother died suddenly and our Chaplaincy team was immediately helpful and helped not just me, but the whole of my family plan the thanksgiving.”
“Work just got on top of me and the quiet chats I had with Chaplaincy saved my life and my job!”
“Our clients wanted an Interfaith Prayer Room in their main event for their own staff. Our Chaplaincy just did it! A Gold Award!”