Interfaith Friendships
A collaborative ministry
The Birmingham Circuit is a now a fully paid member of Citizens UK, just one part of the programme in the city which has seen groups of all faiths working together. Ministers from the outlaying parts of wider Birmingham have also written to councillors and MPs.
The work of the Methodist Church in Birmingham, combined with the efforts of Citizens UK, secured 50 homes for refugees in the city
Above: Citizens Leadership meeting at Sisters of Mercy, St Marys Convent raising their hands in ‘yes we are ready statement’. Around the table, representatives from the Birmingham Methodist Circuit, Mutath Muslim Trust, Newman’s University, Birmingham Progressive Synagogue, Aspire Muslim Youth/ Community Group, UNISON Regional Director, St. Chads and St. Francis Catholic Schools, Keel University placement student, Birmingham University PhD reps, and Trustee of HOPE projects and CEO of Citizens UK.
Read more about this work in an article for the Joint Public Issues Team
A day in the life of …
Mission in the Economy Officer (aka workplace chaplain) Rev David Butterworth has a collaborative ministry that focuses on issues of practical social justice and interfaith contexts. This includes engagement with the Law Commission and work with Syrian refugees.